Harrison Husky Football Hall of Fame and The Troilo Scholarship committee welcome you.
Our mission is to celebrate the history of Husky Pride and recognize the teams, coaches, players, cheerleaders, majorettes and band who have contributed to the legacy of our program since 1929. All while supporting the future growth of our program and recognizing key athletes that have shown athletic & academic excellence in their community and beyond!
The Troilo Scholarship is a non-profit organization.
Your donation is tax deductible. Use this tax ID when you file #81-2819569.
2023 Silent Auction
We will post new items for you to bid on closer to next years event. All proceeds go directly to the Troilo Scholarship Fund focused on supporting our most deserving graduating seniors each year.
We are an accredited 501c3 non- profit entity and tax ID information available to any participant in auction purchases. Use this tax ID when you file #81-2819569
Harrison Football
Hall of Fame Dinner
14th Annual Harrison Husky Football
Hall of Fame Dinner.
Details to come.